I am an American and I am proud of it. I used to believe this country was exceptionally great but now when I look at it I see strong communistic tendencies, a dictatorial power hungry muslim president, the destruction of our freedom, ramped backing of ISIS terrorists, and much more! Perhaps most unsettling is the fact that while these forces gather strength, most Americans seem unable to grasp the magnitude of the challenges that face us. Truth be told, many have become accustomed to the apathetic mentality; if it doesn’t affect them directly, then they ignore it. This is a huge problem that has lead to most of the issues we have in our country today.
The video you are about to see is jam packed full of things that will literally drive you to tears and likely propel you into full blown revolution mode. The things being allowed are beyond comprehension and we can no longer sit back and allow this tyranny and ISIS to continue, we must wake-up, take a stand, and make our voices heard….
The Islamic religion is the world’s fastest growing religion, and according to the most recent Pew report on Muslim demographics; there are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide. Which means 24% of the world’s population practice Islam (that’s about one out of every four people on this planet!!).
Now to be fair about 80% of them are not radicals and they don’t believe in killing Jews and Christians. They are considered a peaceful people. However, the other 20% of them are radical enough to strap a bomb on their body in order to kill anyone who opposes their belief.
That means about 300 million Muslims are willing to die in order to take you and me down. Now it is safe to say that a vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people, HOWEVER the question is, is Islam itself a peaceful religion? And will these ‘peaceful’ Muslims eventually swing the other way? Well now that is the question! But in order to find our answer lets first look at the meaning of Jihad.
One meaning is that the word Jihad signifies a battle between man versus himself. Basically it means standing against those carnal sinful desires. However the other definition is the belief of using violence in order to accomplish the will of Allah by punishing infidels in order to expand the kingdom of their god, Allah (that is what fundamentalist believe).
To further find our answer let’s look to the very book they use to grab their doctrine from, the Koran….
Sura 5:51, “O you who believe, do not take certain Jews and Christians as allies…GOD does not guide the transgressors.”
Sura 5:33, “{Jews & Christians} are the ones whom God has cursed, and he whom God excludes from His mercy, you shall never find one to help and save him.”
Sura 9:5, “Kill the infidels, [Christians & Jews] wherever you may come upon them and seize them and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every conceivable place.”
Sura 9:12, “Fight with the leaders of unbelief.”
Sura 47:4, “When you meet those who disbelieve (in war), smite them at their necks.”
According to the verses in their book, the Koran, Islamic fundamentalists believe in: fighting and killing infidels [or all who do not believe in Islam]. They are taught to hate Jews, Christians, or anyone who opposes Allah. They are taught that Jews and Christians are cursed and should not be taken as friends but rather should be murdered and smite at the necks.
Islam at its core teaches its believers to seek conversion at any cost. Whether that’s through persuasion, sword, peace, or force; it doesn’t matter as long as they are converted. Christianity, on the other hand, seeks conversion by persuasion, it’s their choice if they want to accept it. It is never forced on them.
Now that we have covered that, lets chew on this for a moment. Did you know that there is not a single 1 out of all 55 predominately Muslim Nations, that so not persecute Christians. Christians are persecuted in all 55 predominately Muslim nations. If Islam is so peaceful, then why is this the case? The reality of it is one day Jews and Christians will be persecuted for their faith.
Islam is not only a problem abroad but it has also invaded our country. Currently 1,764 Islamic centers exist in the US. and it is believed that 400-500 of them teach radical Islam—teaching that America in the enemy. Furthermore there are over 35 terrorist training camps in America, in which they preach violence against all who are not Islamic and promote Sharia Law.
In the video below Alex Jones covers the news and plays a report by Infowars reporter former Army Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs about the growing muslim population in America. In it they reveal a list of states where such camps can be found…
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