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Tag "Satanism"

Satanic Ritual Victim Speaks Out: Major Cover Up of Satanism in the Churches Exposed! Including Half the Pastors Admitting to Porn Abuse?! Outrage!

Satanic Ritual Victim Speaks Out: Major Cover Up of Satanism in the Churches Exposed! Including Half the Pastors Admitting to Porn Abuse?! Outrage!

🕔16:00, 17.Nov 2014

Since the beginning of time, war has been waged against Christ and all those who believe in Him. Satan has made every allowable attempt to rid the world of believers and those who profess Jesus as their one true Lord and Savior.

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Warning to America Strange Destruction Underway With Epic Consequences to Frightening to Ignore…

Warning to America Strange Destruction Underway With Epic Consequences to Frightening to Ignore…

🕔15:29, 26.Sep 2014

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 From satanic influence in our schools to martial law across America. Our

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The Summer Solstice Pagan Global Worship June 21st 2014

The Summer Solstice Pagan Global Worship June 21st 2014

🕔10:04, 21.Jun 2014

So many are seeking the fallen angels these days worshipping these deities on the Summer Solstice.  Many New Agers are gathering to celebrate this day and to seek out communal group meditation to align their energies.  The deception is heavy

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End Times Matrix News – The Coming Alien Deception

End Times Matrix News – The Coming Alien Deception

🕔14:43, 30.May 2014

On this edition of ETMN, I focus on the coming Alien Deception from a Biblical worldview.  The end times are characterized by deception and Hollywood is conspiring to deceive the masses.  People need to sharpen their discernment and be aware

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End Times Matrix News – Popery

End Times Matrix News – Popery

🕔01:38, 26.Apr 2014

On this edition of ETMN, I discuss the many interesting connections related to the upcoming Canonizing of two Popes on the same day. This is a very strange occurrence much like the stepping down of a Pope and the replacement

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End Times Matrix News – Vatican Satanists 2

End Times Matrix News – Vatican Satanists 2

🕔14:10, 4.Apr 2014

On this episode of ETMN, I discuss in the first hour the super volcano in Yellowstone National Park and volcanic activity around the ring of fire.  The Romanian movement of United States troops to engage Russian forces when they try

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End Times Matrix News – Vatican Satanists

End Times Matrix News – Vatican Satanists

🕔13:01, 25.Mar 2014

On this edition of ETMN, I discuss the legal case facing the Vatican and Pope Ratzinger regarding allegations of participating in a Satanic ritual of child sacrifice.  This legal case is being made for three eyewitnesses that place ratzinger as

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WWIII Scripted Conflict In Crimea Documented Back In 2008

WWIII Scripted Conflict In Crimea Documented Back In 2008

🕔10:00, 20.Mar 2014

The New World Order is a real End Times Governmental system predicted to control the globe prior to Aramageddon and the Return of Jesus Christ upon the earth.  What most people have difficulty with is believing that any human would

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Obama, A Real American Horror Story!

Obama, A Real American Horror Story!

🕔09:56, 16.Mar 2014

Move over Mary Shelly and take a seat because your craziest imaginations have become reality!  They, those guys, them, they actually read your book “Frankenstein” and IMAGINED that they too could create a monster.  So what have the best and

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Biometric Registration & The Rise Of The New World Order Nazi’s

Biometric Registration & The Rise Of The New World Order Nazi’s

🕔09:14, 9.Jan 2014

Just as good old Nazi sympathizer George Bush said back on 9/11/91 (my paraphrased version) “that a great ancient dream was going to be realized weather the world wants it or not a New World Order” of Satanists is on

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Soul Deceiver


Soul Deceiver-The Deception Begins Book Trailer

News Reporters

Lyn LeahzLyn Leahz

WHEN CONSPIRACY BECOMES REALITY! I expose evil to show the world that Jesus Christ IS coming soon! Visit and sub to my video channel today at and check out book one in my end times trilogy, Soul Deceiver--available anywhere books are sold.

Lisa HavenLisa Haven

Avid research analysis from a Christian perspective. Digging deep and finding the truth is what I live for. My websites are,, and I can be found on facebook at Lisa Haven



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