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Tag "NWO"

URGENT WARNING! The Greatest, Most Tragic Event Ever Prophesied In Our Day Coming This Year? It Is Estimated 35-40 Million People Will Die! It Is Time To Repent and Prepare-God Will NOT Be Mocked! (Shocking Videos and Confirmations)

URGENT WARNING! The Greatest, Most Tragic Event Ever Prophesied In Our Day Coming This Year? It Is Estimated 35-40 Million People Will Die! It Is Time To Repent and Prepare-God Will NOT Be Mocked! (Shocking Videos and Confirmations)

🕔17:40, 24.Feb 2015

A Major, Catastrophic Event Has Been Prophesied By Many For This Year-Be Warned! Christian man of God spreads the message of an impending tsunami and earthquake in the US which will cause 35 to 40 million deaths. Other witnesses confirm

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2015 Satanic Surprise Announced-the BIG Plan Has Just Gotten Bigger! Something Ominous Is Happening-A Scheme So Covert and Creepy, It Will Give You Chills! And, What Is Going On At Mt. Hermon Will Floor You! (Shocking Videos)

2015 Satanic Surprise Announced-the BIG Plan Has Just Gotten Bigger! Something Ominous Is Happening-A Scheme So Covert and Creepy, It Will Give You Chills! And, What Is Going On At Mt. Hermon Will Floor You! (Shocking Videos)

🕔06:23, 23.Feb 2015

Who are they, and what are they doing? Or better, why? What is their BIG plan and why all the secrecy? I am about to answer all these questions for you. First, however, if you believe in God, you must

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Prepare! New World Order Website: 
It’s Time for “The Main Event!”

Prepare! New World Order Website: 
It’s Time for “The Main Event!”

🕔16:52, 20.Feb 2015

By Lisa Haven “In 2045 this world will no longer be the only world we call home. Although we may not yet be there, New Worlds are about to open.” New World Institute Thirty years from now the New World

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You Won’t Believe What They Just Announced and What They Are About To Do!! It Will Deliver Us Right Into the Hands of the Antichrist, New World Order System Faster Than Ever! (Video and Photos)

You Won’t Believe What They Just Announced and What They Are About To Do!! It Will Deliver Us Right Into the Hands of the Antichrist, New World Order System Faster Than Ever! (Video and Photos)

🕔21:44, 12.Feb 2015

1 Timothy 4:1-3 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and

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NWO Elitist Stunning Declaration “Powerful People Are Scared!” What Do They Know That We Don’t? Many Elite Jumping Ship…

NWO Elitist Stunning Declaration “Powerful People Are Scared!” What Do They Know That We Don’t? Many Elite Jumping Ship…

🕔04:08, 9.Feb 2015

By Lisa Haven Strange things are happening all across the globe increased weather patterns, economic chaos, talk of war, and more. It seems a day can’t go by without some sort of “end time” event on the horizon. The truth

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“This” Devil Empire Is Rising and It Will Floor Christians! A List of Churches Involved! Has Your Church Made the List?

“This” Devil Empire Is Rising and It Will Floor Christians! A List of Churches Involved! Has Your Church Made the List?

🕔23:21, 4.Feb 2015

A mysterious organization known as United Religions Initiative (URI) has taken it upon themselves to unite the world religions into one. Yes, you’ve heard me right! They are recruiting churches, pastors, and leaders from every continent to unify themselves into

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World Passports and World Citizenship are Here! NWO Paraphernalia Accepted by 150 Countries! Shocking Activist Making Ripples Behind Your Backs and the Media Says Nothing…

World Passports and World Citizenship are Here! NWO Paraphernalia Accepted by 150 Countries! Shocking Activist Making Ripples Behind Your Backs and the Media Says Nothing…

🕔15:45, 29.Jan 2015

By: Lisa Haven “There is no solution for civilization or even the human race, other than the creation of world government.” Albert Einstein “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis

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NWO Website Comes Out of the Closet! Exposes 1st Official List of Companies Involved: Facebook, Google, Microsoft Intwined! You Wont Believe What They Planned! Plus NWO List of Possible Cataclysmic Events for 2015!

NWO Website Comes Out of the Closet! Exposes 1st Official List of Companies Involved: Facebook, Google, Microsoft Intwined! You Wont Believe What They Planned! Plus NWO List of Possible Cataclysmic Events for 2015!

🕔23:43, 28.Jan 2015

By: Lisa Haven Shocking websites reveals all!! Major globalists elites include Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are all involved and you won’t believe what they say! I urge you to watch the video in its entirety. I’ll cover everything from the

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Bill Gates Spills The Beans in His 2015 Annual Letter and You Won’t Believe What He Has In Store…

Bill Gates Spills The Beans in His 2015 Annual Letter and You Won’t Believe What He Has In Store…

🕔23:19, 25.Jan 2015

By: Lisa Haven  In the beginning of this year infamous billionaire, Bill Gates, claimed in his annual letter that him and his wife’s new goals will be to “improve the lives of people in poor countries within the next 15 years.” In

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The Bowels of Hell Have Now Officially Been Opened! America–God’s Wrath Is Upon You and the Antichrist Ready To Be Revealed! Watch This and See For Yourself! (Stunning Videos)

The Bowels of Hell Have Now Officially Been Opened! America–God’s Wrath Is Upon You and the Antichrist Ready To Be Revealed! Watch This and See For Yourself! (Stunning Videos)

🕔15:09, 4.Nov 2014

WARNING: If you are not interested in truth, but would rather keep your eyes closed to what is going on and pretend that nothing is going on in the world that you need to be concerned about, then go no

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