The first point to address regarding this topic is to acknowledge that Main Stream Media is controlled by a hand full of Illuminati members. Don’t get pulled into the idea that free speech actually exists on the Television. So would the Controllers of ideas actually allow countering ideas that would disrupt their rule. No!!! So why would they roll out an interview about social revolution. Does this remind you of the Arab Spring? Does this remind you of George Soros’ Occupy Movement? So here comes the Illuminati’s selected poster child Russell Brand to roll out the “Revolutionary” Che Guevara imagery all over again. Call Jane Fonda her heart throb is back in Russell Brand!
The illuminati’s goal is to promote chaos! They are trying to tear down any normalcy left. They want law and order to be destroyed in all countries to implement their Beast System on everyone and terminate the nation state concept and roll in the Antichrist system. So Russell Brand is just the latest, “Do As Thou Wilt, Should Be The Whole Of The Law” Luciferian to try to promote global chaos. Here what other secular truthers are saying about The New Sheeples Messiah, Russell Brand.
Russell holding his MTV Apollo God Award. God of Freemasonry!
(Secular talk show. Early part of show talks about Brand. Some language warning and topic change for parts of the video with callers)
Russell greeting and shaking hands with the Queen of the Elites! Such a Rebel!
If I approached the BBC and said I think we should do everything that we did back in the days when doors were not locked, including emphasizing Jesus and the peace that passes all understanding, I would be ignored. But put a person promoting chaos and anything but God philosophy out in the public and the media will promote it. Don’t fall for these fake movements and their fake leaders like Russell Brand, former husband of illuminati puppet Katy Perry.
Revolutionary Wizard of Oz Illuminati Magician Russell Brand
Revolutionary Cuban Marxist Che Guevara Repackaged as Russell Brand!
Jesus Christ is the real revolutionary! The Satanic Matrix hates his guts and will do anything and everything to suppress and compromise his message which is to repent and humble yourself and know that Jesus is the Messiah. The Illuminati will continue their rebellion but their time is short.
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