As the ISIS threat increases and our borders stand weakened, new information has surfaced onSteve Quayles website about these possible coming attacks. Here is the official alert from his site:
MAJOR HEADS UP–’Middle East’ looking man videotaping the school from inside a van. WENDELL
“ATTENTION TEACHERS/PARENTS: Spoke to a VERY close friend today, he went to a tactical rifle training course yesterday in Hattisburg, Mississippi. The class was told of a “recent” incident in LaMar County a noisy (alert) parent dropping her kids off at school saw a ‘Middle East’ looking man videotaping the school from inside a van. She went reported it to the school security officer, who called the police. Police came and stopped the video, and there were actually 4 men inside. Arrested the men, and once they played the video, there was actually (4) FOUR schools they had videotaped. The police called the FBI, and they came got the 4 men……..the guy telling the story was a retired deputy from the area……you didn’t hear that on the NEWS I bet. I wrote on here a while back that the Intel community has stated in the past that our schools are IN FACT targets much like now the US shopping malls. Stay Alert….SQ NOTE -SUGGEST PARENTS CONSIDER KEEPING THEIR KIDS HOME ON 9/11 TOO MUCH CHATTER THAT THEY ARE GOING TO HIT SCHOOLS-ALSO BE WARY AND ALERT TO ALL PANEL VANS AND BLACKED OUT WINDOW SUV’S -THE MALLS ARE ALSO TARGETS DURING THIS TIME-CARRY YOUR CAMERAS AT ALL TIMES WITH YOU_REMEMBER THEY WONT ALL BE MIDDLE EASTERN LOOKING MEN-KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN AT ALL FOREIGN OWNED AND STAFFED CONVENIENT MARKETS AND GAS STATIONS.”
Once the claims were published on the Steve Quayle Website WDAM 7 News, the Local News Source for LaMar County, quickly came out with a retraction stating the entire thing was a “Hoax”. Here is the link to the news sources retraction:
As of today Steve Quayle’s website has also corrected the alert. Here is the latest on his website:
“This is pretty simple when you look at it. Clint told my friend and the class this story last weekend, and made it sound like it took place in the last week or 2. Clint told Geri, it did take place after she inquired to him… BUT now it was 5 years ago. So Clint is now changing his timeline, but did tell Geri it took place. I’m CONVINCED what my buddy told me, and I do try to debunk alot of this stuff, as Steve knows from the past. We are way to close from a real event for BS. Clint is the key here. He told the original story to my friend, he told Geri something different (5 years ago story), and as Geri told me, the police dept said it NEVER happened. So from never, to 5 years go, to a few weeks ago………..Clint is the key to the answer. I was just the messanger, trying to put the alert out. At this point does it really matter at when, he admitted it took place. So they was here (terrorists in Hattiesburg) at some point, with recent events, ISIS, etc……….more likely recently….wouldn’t you think?? I provided a contact name and even a phone number for the source, Clint. I think I did enough at this point to help prove to someone (myself or my friend) that we just didnt make up this story, maybe Clint did? Personally I think at this point we’re beating a dead horse, so I’m moving on with the news of today. I’m sorry if this left Steve in the hot seat, having to take any un necessary heat. I don’t BS, fear monger, etc. Some people out there are depending on people like us to give them that notice to “bug out”……….so I do take this VERY serious, like my buddy who told the story. This is ONLY one piece to the puzzle, of the coming events…….let’s focus on the rest of the puzzle as this next week comes………….Wendell”
Although a correction was issued, I would not minimize the threat. Schools, malls, and public places should be considered possible targets should any terrorist strike on American soil. This is common sense. They have beheaded an America and placed the blame on Obama, who knows what their next target will be.
This is just one of many ways ISIS is crossing our borders.
Judicial Watch has also made this statement:
“Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat”
According to the Texas law department, some 32 Facebook and Twitter have been found expressing interest in the
US-Mexican border, with even “calls for border infiltration.” ISIS knows that there are a large amount of people crossing into American through Mexico, and plans on using this to their advantage. As the Texas law department reports:
“This Twitter account holder, who is the administrator of an ISIS propaganda trading group, stated that the time was right for such an action because “the US-Mexican border is now open large numbers of people crossing”
ISIS already has drones and as I have said it is possible that they could use them in attacks on Americans. More in America is on the way, and we may see carnage worse than 9/11.
With that said, there was another alert issued on Quayle’s site that came in this past Friday claiming the disturbing news of a possible news terrorist attack that could impact the country. Here is the other breaking alert:
“Hi Steve, I work in the media and just received some disturbing news from our editor-in-chief. He has a longtime friend he has known who works in one of the 3 letter agencies (you know what is meant). Our editor just received an email from him (using an alias of course) and told him to “start immediately buying canned goods and non-perishables. We are going to get hit and hit hard and it is going to affect the whole country.” He also stated they (terrorists?) are already here and in place. The message ending by saying “God bless and you were right”–meaning a post on the internet our editor had made about his theory on the missing 11 aircraft. Don’t know how much of this info you have gotten from your sources. I’ve tried to tell as much as possible without giving any possible idea to the ptb where this came from.”
Furthermore according to latest video it is also possible that we could see an attack on the power grid and malls. Here is her breaking report…
Whether or not any of this will come to fruition only time will tell. But either way, this is your heads up!! Just in case…
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