On this episode of ETMN, I cover the controversial Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion. The protocols have been been used by antisemitic populations to attack the Jewish people in the past. I believe that the protocols were developed over time by the brotherhood of darkness starting with the Priory of Sion up until modern times through secret societies. The New World Order agenda which is progressing now is following the Protocols like a road map. Satan’s serpent seed has one agenda and that is to put the Antichrist on the throne in Jerusalem and re-create man in his serpent image through the RFID chip, also known as the Mark of The Beast 666.
Spreaker Audio Podcast on The Protocols 1
There’s a reason they are called the “Protocols of Zion”!! Duh!! They ARE Jewish. Call them “Illuminati; call them Globalists; call them WHATEVER you want, but the elephant in the room is….it’s a Jewish thing!!! The one’s at the VERY top of the pyramid are Zionist Jews and the one’s who are beneath who aren’t Jews are one’s who are paid for by the Jews!! Masonry is Jewish; Albert Pike himself said so!! Communism is Jewish. Stalin, Marx, Trotsky, and Lenin were all Jews. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck…..DUH……it might BE a duck!!!