I have been watching the discussion concerning CERN for the past couple of years and have come to the conclusion after taking in all the information and the people associated with the project that it is nothing more than an occult application of ancient Fallen Angel technology by the Illuminati. The Illuminati is obsessed with fulfilling what George Bush called the fulfillment of an ancient dream, referring to the return of the Days of Noah when the Nephilim hybrids were on the earth. The restoration of the Atlantean rule of the Philosopher kings. This will be represented in The New World Order when the 10 regions will most likely be ruled by demonically driven hybrid kings all serving the Antichrist. Since the secret societies are obsessed with pharonic imagery and the raising of Osiris, I believe this is what we are witnessing.
What most people couldn’t grasp related to CERN was the placement of a Shiva Statue outside the Hadron Collider. This really got people discussing what was their real objective.
lluminist Aldous Huxley provides a great deal of information about the Illuminatis real goal for mankind by destroying the old world and recreating society in their image. Listen to this 1961 interview with Aldous Huxley (Illuminati Sweet Heart) discuss Shiva & what it symbolizes. Of course Huxley couldn’t help but point out the short coming of Christian symbols in contrast.
Heliofant an Illuminati front put out an illuminati story board describing what they were going to do to bring in the New World Order. One portion of their video features Kali, the Hindu consort of Shiva which brings us back to CERN and The Higgs Boson God particle. Watch this clip to get a good appreciation of how Kali is represented.
The Pharonic Cult masquerading as Scientists are attempting to punch holes into other dimensions and bring forth their Osiris. They are attempting to bridge the “stargates”. So it is easy for me to say that CERN is an occult application of science for the Illuminati elite.
You will notice that the Osiris device is depicted in ancient hieroglyphics. Other parts of this post show sanskrit and other unknown symbols. The elite definitely have an occult agenda to complete.
Higgs Boson Discoverers awarded Nobel Prize on October 8th
BP EARTH WATCH Added extensively to The CERN Discussion on January 3rd 2014 (Updated Post)
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