Homeland Security Conducts “Top Secret” July 4 Drill

Homeland Security Conducts “Top Secret” July 4 Drill

🕔23:22, 4.Jul 2013

TSA, undercover agents to patrol transport hubs Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com July 4, 2013 The Department of Homeland Security is conducting a “top secret” drill codenamed ‘Operation Independence’ across the United States today, during which officers in riot gear as

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Jihadist Group: We Started Arizona Wildfires

🕔23:01, 4.Jul 2013

8 hours ago by Tim Brown | News Link Oh the many facets of jihad! Now we’re seeing fire jihad in America. According to reporter David Barnett, a Palestinian jihadist group, Masada al Mujahideen, has recently claimed credit for the

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Obama Furious That Mohammad Mursi Is Out In Egypt!!

🕔22:49, 4.Jul 2013

Soul Deceiver. The world adores him, but secretly, he is luring their souls on a one-way ticket to hell. If you like action, suspense, and mystery, check out newly released novel by Lyn Leahz, Soul Deceiver, BOOK ONE in the

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Seattle gay pride participants viciously beat Christian street preacher – Includes Video

🕔20:04, 4.Jul 2013

A street preacher was repeatedly punched in the head and kicked by two men at Seattle’s Pridefest this past Sunday – and the entire confrontation was caught on camera. In disturbing video footage uploaded on Youtube and reported by Seattle’s KOMO news, two

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Loud explosions heard in Eilat

🕔15:39, 4.Jul 2013

The Times of Israel No injuries reported; source of blasts unknown; Security forces dispatched to comb for rocket debris By Times of Israel staff July 4, 2013, 9:42 pm A panoramic view of the southern Israeli city of Eilat. (photo

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China opens city-sized shopping mall, with fake sun

🕔13:37, 4.Jul 2013

July 4, 2013 The international tallest building arms race has been dominated by Dubai, with its Burj Khalifa, for several years, but China has upped the ante by unveiling what it calls the world’s largest building. The New Century Global Center building opened

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Inside The Revolution: Drama builds amidst military coup in Egypt. Muslim Brotherhood leadership arrested. Who is Adly Mansour, new “interim president”?

🕔12:35, 4.Jul 2013

Joel Rosenberg | on July 4, 2013 at 6:49 am “Adly Mansour, left, has been declared interim President of Egypt by the military after mass protests.” (photo credit: UK Telegraph) >> Watch the 2013 Epicenter Conference on Friday, July 5,

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End Times: Our churches, schools, and homes are being infiltrated with Satan! Is your home in order?

🕔01:20, 4.Jul 2013

Soul Deceiver. The world adores him, but secretly, he is luring their souls on a one-way ticket to hell. If you like action, suspense, and mystery, check out newly released novel by Lyn Leahz, Soul Deceiver, BOOK ONE in the

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15 Photos From the Tahrir Square Protests You’ll Never See In Legacy Media

🕔23:56, 3.Jul 2013

John McTernan’s Blog Verse of the Day Galatians 6:7,8 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but

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End Of The World? Science Artist Ron Miller Envisions Apocalypse Scenarios (PHOTOS)

🕔23:52, 3.Jul 2013

The Huffington Post  |  Posted: 06/30/2013 10:23 am EDT How will the world end? We dodged the 2012 doomsday predicted by the Mayan calendar, but scientists have provided several possible scenarios for the world’s demise. Hollywood has its own set

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Soul Deceiver


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Lyn LeahzLyn Leahz

WHEN CONSPIRACY BECOMES REALITY! I expose evil to show the world that Jesus Christ IS coming soon! Visit and sub to my video channel today at https://www.youtube.com/user/LynLeahz and check out book one in my end times trilogy, Soul Deceiver--available anywhere books are sold.



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